How to Exercise When You Despise Exercising

Jeremy Colon
6 min readApr 28, 2022

Some people love to exercise, some people hate it, but they all need exercise. Whether they enjoy it is a different story.

I have a decent number of readers, audience members, and others who say that they hate to exercise, so I have to come up with creative solutions to get them to “take their medicine.”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

In this article, I’ll show you how to exercise when you despise it.

We’ll go through several strategies.

In no particular order:

Idea #1: Find Something You Like

Is there any physical activity you enjoyed when you were younger? Did you dance? Play basketball? Soccer? Even play tag or cops and robbers when you were a kid? It would be fun as an adult.

Recall when you were a kid. What did you enjoy doing? It could be skipping rope and playing double dutch. Being active as a kid was gathering a bunch of your friends in the neighborhood and playing till it was time to take a shower.

If you want to find an activity you like, just Google “[NAME OF ACTIVITY] [YOUR CITY]”.

For instance, if you like playing tennis, and you live in BOSTON, type in “Tennis Boston.” Although you might not find double Dutch in your city.

If you weren’t active, this is the time to explore.

Try different physical activities, but give them a fair shot: 1–4 weeks each. Ever played basketball before? Join a basketball team for beginning adults. The other people on the team are the same age and skill level as you. Or, get a friend who likes that sport to teach you one-on-one.

Gave basketball a fair shot for a few weeks, and still don’t like it?

No problem.

Move on to something else; Maybe soccer; Maybe tennis; Hike or something else.

In my mind, two of the best activities to do for adults are rock climbing and wrestling (like jiu-jitsu, for instance). They are the only two that can help strengthen you. The others may be fun, but they don’t build strength.

Endurance, yes. Strength, no. Basketball, tennis, and soccer don’t strengthen you. Rock climbing and wrestling (like jiu-jitsu, or…



Jeremy Colon

Body Transformation Coach | Building a Better & Stronger Mind, Body, and Soul | CEO & Founder, Master Personal Trainer & Life Coach - Jeremy Colon Enterprises